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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Swedish and French

On the way home from our recent trip to NY we drove through Pittsburgh and saw an IKEA store.  So we took a driving break and went inside to look around.

I found these wonderful flour sack dish towels for the low price of 49 cents each.  That's right!  Forty. Nine. Cents.
They look a little Swedish and a little French don't they?  They could be used as a kitchen valance.  As pillow covers.  As a place mat.  You could make shrugs for the backs of your kitchen chairs.  Or, use them as they were meant....drying dishes!

Changing the subject now.  A week ago I won a giveaway that Darla from Bay side to Mountains blog had.  She hand knit some cute dish clothes and gave one away.  I won it!

Besides knitting, Darla also creates these wonderful Sketchy Ladies, and she included one with a little note on the back.  Don't you just love both of these?  If you don't know Darla, stop in a visit her.  Her blog is filled with the outdoors, book reviews, art and more.
Welcome Home,


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