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Friday, April 23, 2010

Weekend Plans

This weekend we are playing in the dirt. 

We had 12 "yards" of top soil delivered today.  How much exactly is a "yard" of top soil?

  According to, "A large or contractor size wheelbarrow holds 6 cubic feet while homeowner sizes hold about 4 cubic feet. There are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard, so 4-5 and 6-7 wheelbarrow loads, respectively."

So, if I am reading that correctly, I have a homeowner size wheelbarrow, which means I have approximately 72-84 wheelbarrows to move.

We need to take this:


and this:

To end up hopefully sometime in July with something that resembles this:

So what are you doing this weekend?  I would really love to know! 

Welcome Home,


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