Well today is day four of the Jelly Cupboard build. I got a late start tonight so I didn’t get as much accomplished as I had hoped but on the positive side the rough carcass is together
There are a TON of clamps on there, two for every shelf. I am very happy with it. I have to do some tuning to the mortises. Some of the mortises were not as tight as I would have liked so I added a few shims to each of the shelves it really tightened things up on the mortises. They are much tighter than they originally were. I will take a utility knife and cut away the extra shim after the glue has dried. I also took the time tonight to use my new mouse cam. I figured I would
have the little guy take a shot of the decorative arch. I used a jigsaw to cut the two arches out. I’m not the greatest at free hand cutting with the so there is a little clean up that needs to be done. Honestly one of the most amazing things that happened is when I checked level on all the shelves. This is what I found.
I can honestly say I am shocked. I didn’t really think that the shelves would be that level. This is probably the biggest projected I have taken on so far in my short time woodworking. I think I am starting to get the hang of all this stuff, but I have a LONG way to go and so much to learn. I hope you will stick around and learn with me.
Have a Great Day!
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